Frequently Asked Questions

What is SCOP3?
What is Climate Accounting, and what makes it better?
Can I customize SCOP3 to suit my needs?
How does SCOP3 help Small Businesses?
What is the SEC Climate disclosure?
How much does it cost?
What are Scope 3 Emissions?
Who is Standard Carbon?
How does SCOP3 help CPAs?
How does SCOP3 help Manufacturers?

What is SCOP3?

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SCOP3 is a climate accounting software as a service. SCOP3 calculates your carbon footprint using your financial data.

What is Climate Accounting, and what makes it better?

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Climate accounting is the evolution in carbon footprint calculations. Unlike legacy methods, which are time consuming and require specialized knowledge, Climate Accounting is built for bookkeepers and accounts payable clerks to use. The reports are built for accountants to understand, and if necessary conduct audits.

Can I customize SCOP3 to suit my needs?

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We are launching our software and intend on offering customizations in the future. If there’s something specific you’d like to see included, please let us know.
The first two should be at the top and the third question will be the last on the existing page

How does SCOP3 help Small Businesses?

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SCOP3 helps small businesses in many ways. We made this software affordable for small business owners to track and measure carbon emissions, which can be used to set reduction targets and implement more sustainable practices.

Now small businesses can meet regulatory requirements and provide insight into the business’s vulnerability to climate-related risks so we can all transition to a low-carbon economy.

No expensive environmental consultants, no special degree, just simple climate action.

What is the SEC Climate disclosure?

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SEC (the U.S Securities and Exchange Commission) proposed a rule requiring a more advanced version of ESG reporting by making climate change disclosures mandatory in the same vein as financial documents. This new rule would require businesses to disclose GHG information surrounding Scope 1,2 and 3. Do you have a plan in place? Let Scop3 do all the work for you, and be prepared for these new regulations!  

How much does it cost?

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SCOP3 is currently in development. With a demo coming in early 2023. Sign up now for reduced pricing and limited-time discounts.

What are Scope 3 Emissions?

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Scope 3 emissions are all indirect Greenhouse Gas emissions from a company’s supply chain. Most of the time Scope 3 makes up 80% of a company’s carbon footprint, but because they are tricky to calculate they are rarely accounted for in Carbon Footprint reports. Leaving customers and investors feeling tricked and claiming to greenwash. Scop3 is dedicated to solving this issue by creating solutions to have accurate accounts of Scope 3 emissions.

Who is Standard Carbon?

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Standard Carbon is the first GHG verifier in Canada accredited to ISO 14065:2020 standard providing GHG validation and verification services. Created in Canada this environmental tech startup is a member and signatory of the International Accreditation Forum (IAF) and the AICPA/CPA accelerator cohort for 2022. Standard Carbon’s mission is to make climate disclosures more transparent and accessible and help companies reach net zero faster.  While also providing a platform for industries to confidently manage their carbon offsets, insets, and credits

How does SCOP3 help CPAs?

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Yes! Climate accounting and SCOP3 can bring a lot of benefits to your accounting practice. Adding climate accounting to your CAS practice is a great opportunity to grow your services and protect the planet.

SCOP3 allows the CPA to assess the potential financial impacts of climate-related risks and opportunities on their client’s businesses. This includes identifying potential losses from extreme weather events, as well as opportunities for cost savings and revenue generation through the adoption of sustainable practices.

CPAs can support their clients in meeting regulatory requirements, such as carbon disclosure and reduction targets, and demonstrate their sustainability efforts to stakeholders with little effort.

Be able to assist your clients in identifying and implementing strategies to reduce their carbon footprint and take advantage of emerging market opportunities.

Overall, SCOP3 helps CPAs to support their clients in managing the financial risks and opportunities associated with climate change and contribute to a more sustainable climate and economy.

How does SCOP3 help Manufacturers?

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SCOP3 can help manufacturers provide a clear and comprehensive understanding of their carbon footprint. This allows them to identify areas of their operations where they can reduce their greenhouse gas emissions and become more sustainable.

With climate accounting, manufacturers can track and monitor their emissions over time, setting targets and implementing strategies to achieve their sustainability goals.

It also helps them to understand the potential financial impacts of climate change on their business, and to make informed decisions about investments in renewable energy and other climate-related initiatives.

Improve environmental performance, reduce costs, and heal the climate.

Can’t find the right answer?

Go to our contact page and get in touch with us. Our support team is ready to help you.

Start your sustainability journey today!

You can’t manage what you don’t measure.