Empower your team to effortlessly assess their commute with just a few taps on their smartphones, completing the process in under a minute. This streamlined approach not only drives up participation rates but also bolsters confidence in your company's carbon footprint data.

Each time you want to calculate your company’s carbon footprint from employee commuting you’ll launch a campaign. We’ve got multiple options to maximize participation and improve data quality. You can use a QR code posted in the lunchroom, give employees a unique link, or start with one of our email templates to gather all the data you’ll need to accurately calculate your Scope 3 Category 7 GHG emissions.

You can run unlimited campaigns. While an annual deployment is most common, you have the option to run quarterly or even monthly campaigns, it’s your call. Challenge your teams to see who can drop their emissions the most year-over-year.
Want deeper analysis? No problem. Each campaign can be fine-tuned from all-company all the way down to individual departments.